Journalist Vladimir Pozner ’47 Visits C&C

    > Journalist Vladimir Pozner ’47 Visits C&C


Vladimir Pozner ’47, noted journalist, recently visited with a film crew, to include City and Country in a documentary being made about his life. 

Vladimir Pozner ’47, noted journalist, recently visited with a film crew, to include City and Country in a documentary being made about his life. Vladimir toured the School and was interviewed for an article to be published in Works in Progress, the School magazine. Vladimir last visited in 1999 to discuss journalism with the XIIIs, who write the School newspaper.

“Every time I come here, it’s an emotional thing for me. I loved this school. When I was a student here, I didn’t know how lucky I was to be here. It’s only later, when my children started going to school, and when I saw what other schools are like, I thought, ‘My god!’ Just such a completely different atmosphere. You learn without really knowing that you’re learning. Like the printing press: Gutenberg was a friend of ours. We knew exactly who he was. ’Cause we did what he did! It wasn’t dust-covered history. . . . I’m 85 and they’re making a documentary about me and one of the things I wanted them to see was this school.”

Vladimir Pozner ’47 in the Ball Yard