Over a century of progressive education for 2s–8th Grade in NYC’s West Village.
Progressive + N to 8th Grade = The Best Way to Educate
C&C is a small school where children are big thinkers. Our founder Caroline Pratt unbolted desks from rows and set into motion the vital educational notion that people learn best through active involvement in things that matter to them. In today’s parlance she’d be called a “disruptor.” Current research shows—without a doubt—that practical, creative, and collaborative learning environments like ours yield the best results. Caroline was way ahead of her time. We’ve intentionally designed our school to span the nursery years through eighth grade, all under one roof. Our youngest children, at two years old, have a rich, engaging campus to explore, while our oldest students, at age 13, are the leaders and serve as models for the young ones—an empowering experience at a vulnerable stage of adolescence.
How a child learns to learn
will impact their life forever.
Community is lived at City and Country School.
It lives through the work students undertake together, the responsibility they build as they care for their School, and the bonds they form with each other and their teachers. Families breathe life into our community as they support their children at home and make the C&C experience for their children even better through the Parents Association. We strive to continually strengthen our community, and we are deeply committed to ongoing social justice and anti-racist work.