Message from C&C Principal Scott Moran

    > Message from C&C Principal Scott Moran

June 27, 2023

Dear City and Country School Community,

When I began at C&C in 2000 as a student teacher, I was immediately enamored with the School. It was a place that made sense to me in a way that none of the schools I attended as a child did. Full of agency, community, and making sense of the world, learning at C&C is a natural and purposeful activity. Over the years, I have held many roles and watched the school grow and evolve, all the while staying true to its core progressive values.

While these last several years have come with challenges beyond everyone’s control, I am truly proud of what we all did together as a community to keep the School strong and to support one other. There is so much to be grateful for. Our program is intact and flourishing, and our teachers are inspired—they have been able to return to thinking deeply about program and practice as they gear up for September. To that end, we had more applications for Summer Curriculum grants than ever—summer funds used by teachers to go deeper into their planning and program. I take this as a refreshing, concrete sign of the momentum teachers have in their work with children. 

It has been an honor serving as your Principal during these past six years, and it has been a privilege to be a member of this community for over two decades. I know that Frank Patti, my successor in this role, will ably guide our community and steward our school in this important next chapter. C&C’s future is overflowing with possibility; I can’t wait to see what’s next for the School and for all of you.

With gratitude,

Scott Moran